Saturday, November 6, 2010

Having a Bad Day

Wednesday Night Service - November 3, 2010

Mr. James talked about we all have bad days and somethings don't always go our way. There are ways that we can handle those bad days and turn them into good days. Scripture from 1 Peter 3:8-12.

5 Ways to Handle Bad Days:
  1. Sense God is talking to us.
  2. Ask God to make his message clear.
  3. Be willing to learn.
  4. Do not run from trouble.
  5. Let trials make you what God wants you to be.
  • No one ever became great without great trials.
  • Learn the lessons God has for you in them.


Wednesday Night Service - October 27, 2010

Mr. Kevin shows us that our experiences can help others. He talks about his experiences and what he has learned.

Different Categories of Experiences:
  1. Family
  2. Education
  3. Job
  4. Spiritual (your most meaningful time w/God)
  5. Ministry
  • Charity always begins at home.
  • The difference between Life and School: In School you are taught a lesson and given a test. In Life you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.
Painful Experiences:
  1. Physical
  2. Mental
  • God never wastes a hurt.
  • God can use you to help others.
  • All our experiences help us to be equipped to help others.
  • Experience is not about what happened to you, but what you do with the experience that matters.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Wednesday Night - October 20, 2010

Mr. James steps in to teach us how our responsibilities relate to the heart from 1 Samuel 16:7. Each one of you has a personality. We relate to others in the world depending on our personality. What does God look at? He looks at our heart...we look at others and judge them by their outward appearances.

4 Scales in Describing Personalities:
  1. How we relate to others:
  • Introverted: people who enjoy being with others but need a break from them.
  • Extraverted: people that can be isolated from people but needs to be with others to recharge.
2. How we construct our lives:
  • Controlled: people who want to meet deadlines and like check-lists or to make plans.
  • Spontaneous: people who go with the flow to see what happens next.
3. How we take in information:
  • Intuitive: people who understands complex stuff. (Engineer - want to see how they can make something better)
  • Sensing: people who want to know the facts and are interested in what is instead of what might be.
4. How we make decisions:
  • Thinking: people who make decisions based on thinking through and focused mainly on facts.
  • Feeling: people who make decisions based on feelings and focused more on the affects of people than facts.
How Ministry can be Affected by our Personalities:
  1. Some people are impulsive like Peter. (John 13:8-9)
  2. Some people doubt things and are negative like Thomas. (John 11:16)
  3. Some people allow others to speak for them like James and John. (Matthew 20:20-21)
  4. Some people want to help people and others focus on the ministry. (Acts 15:37-38)
  5. Some people worry about doing everything the right way. (Luke 10:39-42)
Key Building Principles for People with Different Personalities:
  1. Learn to accept one another. (Romans 14:1-3)
  2. Learn to listen to one another. (James 1:19-20)
  3. Learn to have faith in one another. (Romans 1:12)
  4. Learn to consider others interest. (Philippians 2:1-4)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mr. Kevin steps in to teach us from the SHAPE series, "Abilities". Abilities determine how God wants you to serve Him. Gifts are actual qualities that God has given you. Without these abilities you couldn't carry out your gifts.

Have you ever asked, "What are you here for?"
Mr. Kevin has come up with a Top 10 List for Why You Came to Church...
  1. Your friends are here & you want to make new friends.
  2. You have fun playing on the playground with your friends.
  3. You were invited by a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  4. You like the music.
  5. You like to look at people.
  6. You wanted to get out of the house.
  7. There was nothing on TV.
  8. Don't want to do homework/Science Project.
  9. You love the Van Drivers!
  10. You came to church to hear the Word of listen and spend time with God.
Enjoy your's the best time of your life! Mr. Kevin reflects back into his life to see what life was preparing for him. (He learned responsibility, leadership, his strengths, abilities & talents were all for the glory of God).

Biggest Obstacles of Growing Your Abilities:
Self-Confidence- having faith in your self and free from doubt. This type of faith inspires others.

How to Develop Your Self-Confidence:
  1. Speak Up so people can hear what you got to say.
  2. Praise & Encourage yourself daily.
  3. Think positive thoughts.
  4. Help others. (You can stop thinking about you and start thinking about others)
Go out and seek out people who smile, encourages others and that are positive! These are the qualities we should have as Christians!

What are you here for? Just for fun? The best ability you can have is...Availability! Be there for others!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Heart and Passion

Wednesday Night Service - October 6, 2010

Mr. James steps in to teach us the 2nd part of the series on "S.H.A.P.E."
Where is your heart and passion? What are you good at? Have you ever thought about using those things to serve others in ministry? God has given us unique and emotional desires / motivations to make a difference in this world. What is God's purpose for you? Where truly is your passion?

In Psalm 20:4...May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed. God has a plan for you. You need to seek Him and His purpose.

You should be asking yourself these questions:
  1. What makes your heart sing?
  2. What breaks your heart?
  3. What are your dreams for your life?
  4. If money were no object, what would you do?
  5. When __________ comes up in a conversation, I could talk all night! (what is your interest?)
  6. How does your heart affect ministry for others?
In the Bible, many people have showed their passion and did something with it:
  • Colossians - some had passions to help other Christians.
  • Philippians - Paul had a passion to serve others.
  • Romans - Paul had a passion for the Romans Road/ABC's of the Gospel...for salvation.
  • 1 Corinthians - some had a passion for serving Saints.
  • Jesus had a passion for all mankind...he died for you, all out of love!
A few of you help others to grow as Christians. Have you ever thought, what ministry gets you excited? Is it helping the elderly, being in the Puppet Team, Choir, etc? Psalm 37:4...delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. God knows what you need...and He will fulfill those needs.

To delight in something means you experienced something that brought you joy. Revelation 17:17...God put a plan in our hearts to accomplish His purpose. What really motivates you to do something to help further the Lord's Kingdom? Discovering what you are passionate about will help you decide what ministry to help in. Pray and ask God to show you where you can serve best in a ministry!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

Wednesday Night - September 29, 2010

Mr. Kevin steps in to teach us the 1st of 5 lessons on the S.H.A.P.E. series called, "Spiritual Gifts". Mr. Kevin starts the night off with a fun game called, "Would You Rather..." that teaches us to make quick choices. Then he shows us:

God has made all of you unique, so we can perform our duties for His glory. We are all built different and we can all be used by God.

Left-Brain People - handle logical thinking. They tend to memorize things, good at spelling and making decisions. Subjects they like: Research, on the Debate Team, in Accounting, etc. They are the Corporate people, Presidents, Doctors, Lawyers, etc.

Right-Brain People - they are the creative thinkers, they are more about feelings, etc. Subjects they like: Math, Language, Drama, Chemistry, Dance, Art, Design, etc. They are the Teachers, Coaches, Designers, Nurses, Actors, Decorators, etc.

Intraverted People - they find energy in their inner thoughts, they keep things to themself. They can multi-task. They are your Computer Programmers, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.

Extraverted People - they are the ones that need action, they don't like deadlines or being under pressure. They are your Bankers and Managers.

When you make your own choices, these things will help you.

We all have talents that need developed. Your talents, skills or abilities are not Spiritual Gifts. Do you believe Believers and Unbelievers have Spiritual Gifts? To develop these gifts you need to be Christian. God loved you enough to pass these gifts on specifically designed for your make-up, your brain & your personality. What are your Spiritual Gifts used for? Spiritual Gifts you have are for helping each other.

Spiritual Gifts: (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
  • Gift of Mercy - to help someone.
  • Gift of Giving - be generous to someone.
  • Gift of Exortation  encouraging others.
  • Gift of Administration - delegate what needs to be done.
  • Gift of Teaching
  • Gift of Prophesy
  • Gift of Ministry
  • Gift of Faith
Important Note: Mercy keeps you out of Hell. Grace is what brings you into Heaven!

Scripture Reference: Romans 12:6-8

In closing, you must use your Spiritual Gifts for the benefit of other people. You must use them out of love for others. In Corinthians, Paul writes he could have many Spiritual Gifts, but without the greatest gift of Love, it does nothing for him.

Between Faith, Hope and Love...the greatest of these is Love!!!

  • 7pm October 23rd - Judgement House in Tallassee, AL...depart from SRBC @ 5:30pm...Sign-up by October 10th if you want to go...Cost is $2.00 for ticket plus $5.00 for food

S.H.A.P.E. Series Intro

Wednesday Night - September 22, 2010

Mr. James steps in to introduce us to a new series called "S.H.A.P.E. Series". He shows us:

5 Factors That Makes Up Your S.H.A.P.E.:
  1. S - Spiritual Gifts
  2. H - Heart
  3. A - Abilities
  4. P - Personalities
  5. E - Experiences
Why is it important to know what your S.H.A.P.E. is?...5 Benefits:
  1. Reduces Stress
  2. Increases Success
  3. Determines How You Learn (only 25% learn by reading & studying)
  4. Deepens Satisfaction
  5. Builds Self-esteem
2 Biblical Truths:
  1. You matter to God.
  2. You were shaped by God for a purpose.
When you live your life the way God wants you to, you will discover your purpose.

Habits: Studying Scripture

Wednesday Night - September 8, 2010

Mr. James was teaching on the last lesson in a series called "Habits". It was on studying God's Word/Scripture.

What Can Studying God's Word Do For You? (2 Timothy 3:16)
  1. Applying God's truth guides us through life.
  2. Knowing the Bible brings a deep joy. (Psalm 19:8)
  3. Living by the Bible makes you wise and successful. (Joshua 1:8)
  4. Feeding on the Bible nourishes our soul. (Matthew 4:4, 1 Peter 2:2)
How to Study the Bible:
  • Choose a Christian Bible you can understand. (Ex. King James, NKJ, NIV, NLT, etc.)
10 Ways to Study the Word of God:
  1. Dedicate Time to the Word of God.
  2. Pray to Understand the Word of God.
  3. Put Forth Real Effort.
  4. Have a Purpose or Topic to Study.
  5. Use a Spiritual Journal.
  6. Invite the Spirit with Good Christian Music.
  7. Humble Yourself Before the Lord.
  8. Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept...Learn One Step at a Time, One Line at a Time.
  9. Personally Apply the Word of God.
  10. Be Diligent and Don't Give Up!
Who we are is made up of the commitments that we make over our life and the habits that we develop. That who you and I turn out to be is made up of the commitments we make and the habits we develop.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Habits: Treasure (Tithing), Time and Talent

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bro. Kevin steps in to teach the youth lessons on Treasure (Tithing), Time and Talents that they have to give back to God. Where does everything we own come from? Everything we have is a gift from God. (Deuteronomy 8:10)

The 3 T's in God's Blessings when we give them back to God:
  1. Treasure (Tithing) - God loves a cheerful giver. If the youth form a habit early in giving their tithes, they will have more control of their finances as adults. You will never miss what you don't have! You will not have a hold on something if you never had it. Tithing is giving 10% of your earnings or what was given to you to your local church for the glory of God. When you give cheerfully, you will receive blessings from God. Give God the best of what you have. If you start tithing now, it will come back to you. It all starts with something. It all starts with a mindset. It starts with cheerfully giving! (Proverbs 3:9) Everything you have is God's. He has entrusted everything in your power to control it. In Genesis 14...Abram gave a tenth of everything he had. In 2 Chronicles Hezekiah did what was good and right before the Lord in obedience and commands and he prospered! What is stopping you from tithing? Is it greed? Can you let go of the greed? You might ask what does the church do with the tithes? It goes to pay for buildings, power, food, missions, etc. It's all God's but it's being used for God's glory! The tithe is not yours to give to God, it is God's gift to you to give back to Him. God wants you to be happy. He wants to bless you! Don't forget to praise Him even for the little things.
  2. Time - take 10% of your time everyday and give it to God. So, do the math...10% of 24 hours = 2 hours and 24 minutes we should be dedicating to God everyday! (This is a minimum amount of time)...what can we do? We can read our Bible, pray, witness to others, etc.
  3. Talents - we all have spiritual gifts...we all have the ability to strengthen the church. Each of you have talents. When you come to church more you become more knowledgable learning about God and also become a stronger witness for Him.
Are you giving God your absolute best? Can you give God the glory?

If you need Jesus in your heart, read Romans 10: 9-10...Plan of Salvation
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."

To God be All the Glory!!!

Habits: Involvement in the Church (Week 4 of 6)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last week, Bro. James taught us how to be involved in church. When we go to church we are there to help build up and not tear people down. God has gifted you in so many ways you might not know about. When God chose David, he was looking for someone obedient and that would do God's work. Our challenge is to step out in faith.

Why should we be involved in church?
  1. Community - is people living in an area. Through fellowship we overcome a lot of doubt. God blesses us with different attributes, knowledge, abilities and strengths. As a church, we should come together share the knowledge and grow stronger. We can pray together and confess our sins to one another. Where there is a community there is difficulties. (Hebrews 10:25) We need to be there for the lost and minister to them and also help them get through hard times.
  2. Strength -when we come together we help each other. God does not waste a hurt. He will use your hurt to minister to someone else. (Proverbs 13:17)
  3. Ministry - Every member is a minister and every minister has a ministry.
  4. Guidance - to show you the right way of doing things. (Hebrews 3:13)
Why don't people go to church?
  1. They were forced to go to church when they were a child.
  2. They didn't like it.
  3. They go only three times a year...Easter, Mother's Day and Christmas.
  4. They say the church just wants their money.
Being involved in church helps others with their walk with God. But, yet some people label church people hypocrits, why? Their walk with God is what you are looking at...we all make mistakes.

Challenge to Doing More Than the Minimum:
  1. I will do more than belong - I will participate
  2. I will do more than care - I will help
  3. I will do more than believe - I will practice
  4. I will do more than be fair - I will be kind
  5. I will do more than dream - I will work
  6. I will do more than teach - I will inspire
  7. I will do more than earn - I will enrich
  8. I will do more than give - I will serve
  9. I will do more than live - I will.......(fill in the blank) you will find the answer at the end of your life, you will know whether or not you lived.
We are trying to teach you to be spiritually self-sufficient...Absorb the Word of God and apply it to your life!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Habits: Bible Memorization (Week 3 of 6)

Wednesday Night - August 18, 2010

In our 3rd week on the Habits series, Bro. Kevin steps in to teach us about Bible Memorization and why it is important to our Christian lives. He gives us verses like John 3:16, and wants us to read on to verses 17 and 18. Do we know what it means to believe? It involves more than agreeing God's Word is true.

Why do we memorize things? Because it is important to remember things like 911, your phone number and address in case of an memorize how to get to certain places so you can get there, etc. Bible verses are also important when you struggle with life's gives you hope and peace that God is in control.

Reasons we need to study the Bible:
  1. To know more about God.
  2. It keeps us from sin.
  3. To know the difference between right and wrong.
  4. So we can witness to others.
Reasons we don't want to study the Bible:
  1. It's boring.
  2. We are too busy.
  3. We are too tired.
Bible Memorization is important because it helps us:
  1. In Psalm 119:11...God has hidden the Word in your heart so you might not sin against Him. (Jesus provided the perfect way to live)
  2. In Matthew 4...this was Jesus' encounter with Satan. Jesus quotes from memory the Word of God to counter Satan.
Bro. Kevin has included some Scriptures to help us with our struggles in life:
  • Suffer - 1 Peter 2:20
  • Afraid - Palm 56:3
  • Greed - Luke 12:15
  • Forgiveness - Collossians 3:13-14
  • Encouragement - Hebrews 3:13
  • Devoted (Honor) - Romans 12:10
  • Fight - 2 Timothy 4:7
  • Conduct - Ezekial 7:3-4
  • Finish - 2 Corinthians 8:11
  • Attention - Proverbs 4:1
  • Kind - 1 Thessalonians 5:15
  • Victory - Psalm 60:12
  • Conceited - Galatians 5:25-26
  • Gossip - Proverbs 11:13
  • Inspiration - Phillippians 3:13-14
  • Complaining - Phillippians 2:14
  • Hate - Luke 6:27-31
  • Anger - Proverbs 29:11 
  • Strength - 2 Samuel 22:33

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Habits: Accountability (Week 2 of 6)

Wednesday Night Service - August 11, 2010

In our second week of a 6-wk. series on "Habits", Bro. James was teaching us this week on "Accountability" we should have with one another. Scripture comes from Matthew 12:33-37. He talked about when do we start living our life right? Do we start when someone gets seriously hurt or dies? The time to start is right now! You can start right now developing habits that will change you for the rest of your life so someday people will look back at your life and say, "I can see no wrong in that person."

This week we continue our series on devoping good HABITS for spiritual growth. We talked this week about Accountable Friendships. Accountability is when we hold somebody responsible for their actions. We all need friends who know our weaknesses and love us for who we are and hold us accountable to our commitments. These are the type of friends who will come up to us one on one when they see us making choices that might hurt us spiritually.

In Psalm 133:1-3, David talks about how wonderful it was when people lived in unity/harmony. This psalm teaches us 3 things about harmony:
  1. It provides satisfaction.
  2. It provides refreshment.
  3. It takes work to get along with others.
There are rewards when you live in harmony. (John 13:35)...Your love for one another will prove to the world you are Jesus' disciples.

3 Relationships for Accountability:
  1. Find a Mentor (Proverbs 13:20)...Mentor should be a teacher and have a spiritual commitment
  2. Find an Accountability Partner (Proverbs 27:17)...that person should love you but not be impressed with you
  3. Be a Mentor (Philippians 2:22) can help lead someone else
CHALLENGE: Are there any areas in your life that you would want me to hold you accountable? Ask someone if they would want you to hold them accountable. Are there any areas in your life that you see where you could be growing or improving? Something for you to think about!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Developing Habits That Will Change Your Life

Wednesday Night Service - August 4, 2010

As Pastor Shane delivers his last Sermon to the Youth Ministry at SRBC, he talks about developing spiritual habits that will change your life. From Philippians 2:12-14, he shows us:

It takes 21 days to develope a habit. We have Good and Bad Habits. Good habits we have may be reading the Bible, Evangelism, brushing our teeth, etc. Bad habits may include doing drugs, smoking and profanity. But what about Spiritual Habits we develope as Christians? As we grow as Christians, our spiritual habits need to grow, too. (An example of a spiritual habit-- Hanging out with God in your own time. Getting to know Him, talking to Him and learning from Him through His Word).

  • Your relationship with God is meant TO GROW.
  • Spiritual growth is a life-long JOURNEY.
  • Developing spiritual habits will help you grow ON YOUR OWN.
  • He changes your HEART. (Psalms 51:9-10)
  • He gives you DIRECTION for living. (Psalms 119:104-105)
  • He's there during your PROBLEMS. (2 Corinthians 1:4)

Developing spiritual habits will change your life NOW and for an ETERNITY!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Not To Get Burned

Wednesday Night - July 7, 2010

Pastor Shane was preaching on how not to get spiritually burned out. Pastor Shane was showing us:

Understand God's TIMING:
  • Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. (Proverbs 3:5)
  • "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Put your TRUST in God's timing for your life:
  • Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • PRAY (Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)
  • TALK (Proverbs 11:14)
  • READ YOUR BIBLE (Psalm 119:105)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Labels We Put On Ourselves

Wednesday Night - May 26, 2010

Pastor Shane preached on the labels we put on ourselves instead of looking through the eyes of God to see the value and grace on our lives. Pastor Shane was showing us in Ephesians 2:1-10 with the main focus on verse 10...For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Shane had a mirror, looked at himself and told the youth what he saw. He saw both good and bad qualities in himself. Then he had the youth to look at a mirror to see what they thought of themselves. He told them that looking at the negative side of things makes us feel better about ourselves. It lifts us up. He then focused on verse 3, for the Christian...All of us use to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God's anger, just like everyone else. Then look what God did...God sent His Son to die on the cross for us! He wiped all our sins away...clean as snow! When we ALL look into a mirror, we ALL should see God's Grace on your life and the value He places on you!

Luke 12: 6-7 tells about the value God puts on sparrows, He doesn't forget none of them! How much more valuable are you to Him? He counts the number of hairs on your head. Don't be afraid, you are way more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows!

3 Things You Need to Look At:
  1. Don't Believe the lie of the world.
  2. Except God's Mercy and Love to give me a new life.
  3. Live as God's Masterpiece.
Psalm 139:13-14 concludes the Sermon by saying..."You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it."

How well do you know yourself...and God? He values YOU!!! Maybe you should too.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Labels: Seeing What's Real in Others

Wednesday Night - May 19, 2010

Pastor Shane was preaching on the labels Christians give to others and what we can do differently to honor God from Luke 10:30-37.

1.5 Billion people had not been reached to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How can we reach them? For the Christian, the Bible is a Love Letter and a Sword to help us share God's Love to others. Why did Christ save you? For His Glory! Labeling people devalues them. This does not glorify God.

Samaritans were looked down on and they were half breeds. We need to stop labeling people. We are so judgemental looking at a person from the outside. People outside the church were polled and 89% said that the Christian Church is judgemental. We label some people as outcasts. If the Bible in the passage from Luke 10:30-37 happened today, would you try to help him or pass him by? If you saw someone that had been beaten, robbed, knocked out, and laying on the ground naked, what would you do? Would you consider him an outcast? Who do you consider an outcast?

3 Things We Need to Do Differently about Labeling People:
  1. Realize that everyone is created in God's Image. (Genesis 1:27)
  2. Recognize and seek forgiveness for the times You've Labeled People. (Ephesians 4:31)
  3. Be Kind to Everyone regardless of "skin color", "social status" or "value". (Ephesians 4:32)

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Cost of Following Jesus

Wednesday May 12, 2010

Pastor Shane was preaching on how the American Church today is getting too comfortable and how we need to remember what Christianity is all about.

As youth, we go to church on Wednesday night and get to hang out with our friends, play Basketball, listen to Shane give an awesome message, accept Jesus as Lord so you don’t have to go to hell, then do what you want to do and still know that you will go to heaven. Is that what Christianity is all about?

Our Key Verses: Luke 9:57-62… talks about someone telling Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus told them that foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head. He told another person to come and follow him. The man agreed but told Jesus he had to return home and bury his dead father first. Then Jesus told him, “Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God.” Another person wanted to follow Jesus but wanted to say good-bye to his family first. Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” NLT

In the first part of Luke 9, Jesus sends out his disciples…before that we learned that it was a Come and see who Jesus is…Luke 9 changed all that to Come and spiritually die to make Jesus Lord of your life. We must die spiritually to ourselves and start putting Jesus first. What that means is to ask yourself…if Jesus is real in my life…I will die to my selfish desires and do what He wants me to do. It is God that should be glorified, not us. To follow Christ means to take all of me…holding nothing back. We have gotten to comfortable with the American Church today. We want cool air in the summer, warm heat in the winter, big screens, etc. and have forgotten what Christianity is all about.

1. Recognize that we all are sinners.

2. Repent…turn away from our sins and ask God to forgive us.

3. Die spiritually to ourselves and put God first.

4. Pick-up the cross and follow Jesus.

Who is Lord of your life? Pastors, yourself or Jesus?


• This Saturday, Mission Serve participates need to meet at church @ 12:30pm for a Fundraiser. We will be going to Winn-Dixie on Veterans Parkway, to bag groceries. You will be there from 1-5pm.

• All Graduating Seniors in the SRBC Youth Ministry are invited to come to Sunday School starting @ 9:45am and Worship Service @ 11am, then following the Worship Service we will have a Graduation Luncheon honoring our 2010 Grad’s. Congratulations, Graduates of 2010!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Purity (Part 5)

Wednesday Night, April 28, 2010

Pastor Shane is continuing week 5 of the "Happy" series from Matthew 5:3-12, "The Beatitudes". We are studying what Jesus was saying at the Sermon on the Mount. Shane's sermon  focuses on verse 8..."God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God". What does it mean to be pure? Webster's dictionary defines it as free of foreign matter, contamination, or corruption. It is simply "taking impurities out." What is purity? It is to make or become pure. So, how do we become pure in an impure world? Let's take a look at what Pastor Shane has shown us: If you were shown pictures of these 4 men, would you say they were pure or impure/good or bad?
  1. Hitler
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Osama Bin Laden
  4. George W. Bush
Now, if you were looking at your own picture, would your friends, parents, etc. say that you were pure or impure/good or bad? Are we really pure or impure? What are your motives? God knows you and your thoughts. He knows what you are like.

 Proverbs 22:11 says...Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speach will have the king as a friend.

Acts 13:22 tells us that God will remove people in high places to place those that are after God's own heart, despite of their sins. (In this case, God put David in place of Saul. David was after God's own heart and would do whatever God wanted him to do).

Psalm 51:10 says...Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.

3 Ways Not to Have a Pure Heart: (Illustrated from David and Bathsheba's life in sin)
  1. Believe you are stronger than the temptation.
  2. Selfishness/All about Me.
  3. Cover up your sin.
There are consequences to every sin and every sin can be forgiven. David's life doesn't end in a bad way. Through his blood line, Jesus came. He took all of our sins to the cross and paid the price in full and through Him we have been forgiven. Do you need forgiveness? Then turn away from your sin, ask God for forgiveness and then receive that forgiveness. For He is worthy to forgive!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forgiving Others

Wednesday Night, April 21, 2010

Pastor Shane continued his sermon series on week 4 of  the "Happy" series from The Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12. Pastor Shane shows us how we can forgive others that have hurt us. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are called sons of God. We have a lot of hurt with our students. So, what can we do?

We can choose to be happy the world's way or choose to be happy God's way. We are struggling to release the pain from those that have hurt us. (Matthew 5:3-12, Matthew 22:37-39)

Key Verses:
  • Matthew 5:23-24
  • Matthew 18:21-22
  • Colossians 3:13
Happy results when I'm right with God and love Others.
We can be right with God when we ask for forgiveness.
We can be right with others when we offer forgiveness.
Matthew 5:23-24 NLT (Love God and Love Others)
Matthew 18:21-22 NLT (Forgiveness should be unlimited)

Happiness is a choice and forgiveness is not defined by emotion.

Key Points:
What happens when I don't forgive...
  • I disobey God's instructions.
  • My anger is intensified.
  • I relive painful experiences.
How to be a Peacemaker...
  • Identify the people who have hurt you.
  • Determine what they owe you.
  • Cancel their debt.
Are you holding in your anger? Blessed are the peacemakers.

Don't focus on the ones that have Hurt you. Rather, focus on the One who paid such a high price to Forgive You!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Sunrise Service


Wednesday night, March 24, 2010

Pastor Shane started a new "HAPPY" series. His main verse comes from Matthew 5:3-12. Read Matthew chapters 5,6 & 7.

There is a difference in the world's way and God's way to happiness. God wants to make you uncomfortable. You need to trust God and do what He needs you to do.

Would you rather have...
  • Happiness based on your happenings.
  • Happiness based on God's plan.
God has a plan for each of you. When you are in God's plan, there you will find happiness.

A step forward- happiness happens when I understand the bigger picture of life... I am Not God and God is God.

Would you rather...
  • Follow the Others that make you feel happy?
  • Follow Jesus who promises you a better life and for you to live it in abundance?
Key verses...
  • John 8:12 NLT
  • Psalm 89:15 NLT
  • Psalm 119:56 NLT
I'm not happy when...
When are you most happy?

Upcoming Events:
  • Saturday, March 27th-- Witness Walk from 9:30am-1pm
  • Saturday, March 27th-- Easter Egg Hunt...if you would like to hide eggs, be at church @ 3pm
  • Saturday, April 3rd-- Six Flags Christian Music Weekend

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Warning of False Prophets

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
- A skit was presented to the Youth by Rob and Skyler about how we act as a Christian. Well done, guys! - A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Sherry for bringing back the Drama Team! Thank you for your dedication!
- A shout out to Mrs. Gina for being with us last night!

We were so blessed to have Bro. Deric Britton to teach the youth about the Book of Jude. His key verses were Jude 1:20-21. Jude gave us instructions to build each other up and not tear each other down in tough times. He warned that there would be false teachers/false prophets that would come into the church and teach the wrong things. They would be arrogant, immoral, and greedy and these teachers are destined for the terrible judgement God has in store for all those who deny and defy him. Would you want to follow someone who was destined for hell? Jude warns us to watch out for them and guard your mind against their teachings.

False Prophets:
  1. They didn't trust, honor or obey God.
  2. They didn't see any consequences in their evil ways of living.
  3. They took God's grace and his truth and twisted it for their own way of living.
  4. You must know God's Word for yourself! You have to know the truth, so when you hear something that goes against God's Word, you will be able to know what the truth is. In Genesis 3:1 Satan took God's Word  and twisted it in the Garden of Eden, when he talked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

In vs. 20-22, Jude warns us to fight for our faith. Today people will try to show you what they think is the right way, it could be immoral...because that is what they want in their lives. But, God has a better plan for you! Know the truth that God can only give! Keep the faith when others are trying to get you to follow something or someone that will deceive you. If God's Word goes against it, then you don't follow it! We need to leave a legacy of faith for generations to come! Will you stand by God's Word in all that you do? Will you say NO when you know what you are about to do is wrong?

  1. April 3rd-- Six Flags Christian Music Weekend...sign-up deadline is March must pay for tickets to are $25 each
  2. This Saturday for Mission Serve participates, be at church to clean it @ 10am (ET).


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pastor Shane was preaching on how committed are we to God and His ways of living? Is church an essential part of your life? What is Sanctification? It is to make holy. We are sanctified each day by growing more like Christ.

In our society today, the youth are taught when they date that it is ok to date/break up...But, how can you be committed? We are setting ourselves up for failure. Society also teaches the adults to get married/get divorced...get married/get divorced. We have a lot to learn!

Ephesians 5:22-24 teaches us...For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything...vs 25-30 teaches us for husbands are to love their wives, just like Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean. He did this so the church would be presented to him holy and without any blemishes. She will be holy and without fault. Husbands need to love their own wives as they love their own bodies. Because a man that loves his own wife, shows love for himself. You don't hate your own body, but you care and nurture it, just like Christ cares for the church. We are members of His church.

How committed are you to the church?

2 Things About a Local Church:
  1. It is the key to Spiritual growth.
  2. We are the visible body of Christ in our community.
7 Things that Profile Commitment:
  1. Join a local church. (be part of the team)
  2. You make it an essential part of your life.
  3. Need to make a Pastor's job a joy! (Hebrews 13:17)
  4. Find ways to serve. (1Peter 4:10)
  5. You give faithfully. (Malachi 3:10)
  6. You connect with people. (God did not create life for you to be alone) (John 13:34; Romans 12:5, 10, 15)
  7. Share your passion.

I've Messed Up...Now What?

Wednesday night, March 3, 2010

Pastor Shane taught an awesome sermon on the Truth About Sex...God's Way. He ended the 4-wk. study telling us now that we know we have messed up, what do we do now? To get the full extent of this lesson please click on the podcast link below, then click the mp3 player under I've Messed Up...Now What? Mrs. June also tells about a book with an awesome story and tells her own true life testimony! Listen with your heart...and let healing begin!

Friday, February 26, 2010

How Far is Too Far?

Wednesday night, February 24, 2010

Pastor Shane is preaching on the truth about sex and how God intended it to be. The world does not love you. They want to sell sex to you and use you as a sexual object. God has a better plan for you! He loves you! God created sex and intended it only for marriage. Pastor Shane shows the youth:

Webster defines Abstinence as refrain from doing something. (Abstinence is waiting to have sex when you get married).

Sex outside of marriage leads to a fear of three things:
  1. Disease
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Losing the other person.
Common Sense Answers for asking...:
  • "How can I establish some boundaries so I don't go too far?"
ANSWERS for Developing Healthy Boundaries:
  1. Care enough about your life to ask the right questions. (You may ask, "Shouldn't we know if we are sexually compatible?") The right questions to ask: "What are the best choices for my life?" "What are the best choices for my relationship with God?" "What are the best choices for my future?" (Jeremiah 29:11)...Sex was created for making babies, pleasure, intimacy and most of all...oneness for husband and wife.
  2. Evaluate what is important to you. (You may ask, "Why am I in this relationship?" "What do I want from this relationship?" "How will being physical get me what I really want or need?" "What will a physical relationship do to our relationship?")...Newsflash...waiting for sex until you marry won't hurt you! You will be known for having self-control, respect, character, integrity and trustworthy. Are you going to trust God and His ways or the world's ways? (Psalm 1:1-3) Ask yourself, "Do I delight in everything the Lord wants for me?"
  3. Establish a temptation plan. (Everyone is tempted. (1Corinthians 10:13) God doesn't tempt you, that comes from the flesh and Satan). (James 1:13-14)
  4. Verbalize your boundary plans. (Proverbs 15:22)
  5. Ask for accountability. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
  6. Guard your mind. (Philippians 4:8)
  7. Embrace God's grace...don't cheapen it. (Romans 6:14-15)
  8. Believe that you are not defined by who you Date or How Far you go.
  9. Pursue intimacy with God. (You will have a natural desire to please Him. You will receive the power to resist temptation. You will be more attracted to godliness.)
There is a way to escape temptation:
  1. Know your bottom line. (Know how far is too far vs. What's best for your future)
  2. Communicate your standards.
  3. I will stick to my convictions....even when it's difficult!
  4. I will avoid compromising situations.
  5. I will get out when necessary. (2Timothy 2:22)
Common Principles:
  1. The further you go, the faster you go.
  2. The further you go, the further you want to go.
  3. The further you go, the more difficult it is to go back.
Where you draw the line determines three things:
  1. It determines temptation.
  2. It determines the intensity of temptation.
  3. It determines the consequence of giving in to your temptation. (When you verbalize your boundaries, you realize love waits and lust pursues you.)
Know the bottom line...what is it that is best for your future? God's way is the better way for your future!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Uncovering More Lies & Myths and Revealing the Truth about Sex

Wednesday night, February 17, 2010

Pastor Shane is trying to show the youth the truth about sex and show them the lies the world is telling them. Guys are wired visually. Girls are wired emotionally. God has your best at heart! Philosophers and Psychologist both agree on one thing...our deepest desire for all of us is intimacy. We all long for and desire intimacy. God wired us that way.

Cultural Fakes For Intimacy:
  1. Sex outside of marriage is normal.
  2. A same sex physical relationship is no problem. (embrace alternative lifestyles)
  3. A fantasy-filled life is no big deal.
God wants to keep your mind clean. He wants to spare you of hurt. Having sex outside of marriage can leave a mark and scar your heart. God's plan is monogamy--one partner committed within the marriage. (Genesis 2:20-23; Hebrews 13:4, Genesis 2:24) So, what about homosexuals and how do we treat them?
  1. Know that God loves you! (John 3:16)...Love the sinner!
  2. Homosexuality is a sin. (Romans 1:25-27)...Hate the sin!
 Sin becomes a trap like pornagraphy. You start to hide it and it messes up your life! Sin hardens your heart to conviction of that sin in your life. (Matthew 5:27-30)

The #1 Question with guys and some girls about sex issues deals with masturbation...Theory--Confronting masturbation head-on: (not an easy subject to deal with, but the truth should be told)
  1. Masturbation is a sin and stay away! It leads to lust!
  2. Some Parents have said that masturbation is God's gift...if their son is doing this in his own room, then he won't be having sex with his girlfriend. (It will lead to lust!)
Shane's Theory: Stay clear of it! Get help! are not alone! Statistics say: 95% of guys deal with it...50% are girls. (1Corinthians 6:13)

So, what do we do? In order to pursue God's best for our lives we need to remain obedient to God :
  1. Experience God's Love. (Ephesians 3:18-19)
  2. Express God's Love. (Ephesians 5:1-3)
  3. Enjoy God's Plan. (Romans 12:1-2)
God has a better plan for your life! Pursue His plan!

  • Friday, February 19th...if you want to go to Vision 2010 and did not pay for your ticket, bring $42.50 to SRBC @ 5pm (ET)
  • Saturday, February 20th...Mission Serve 2010 participates please be at SRBC before 9:30am (ET) You will be bagging groceries as a fundraiser in Columbus @ Winn-Dixie on Veteran's Pkwy. from 10am-2pm (ET).
  • Please remember to pray for one of our dear friends and Youth Leaders...Mrs. Norma Rayburn...fighting cancer.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lies the World Tells Us About Sex (Part 1 of 4)

Wednesday night, February 10th, 2010 Pastor Shane was teaching the youth about the Lies the World Tells Us About Sex from John 8:31-32. We are saturated with lies and myths especially on TV about sex. Over the next 4 weeks Shane will teach:
  1. Lies About Sex
  2. Uncover More Lies and Myths and Reveal the Truth about Sex.
  3. How Far is Too Far?
  4. I've Messed Up...Now What?
The world has proven that sex sells and they want to sell you their stuff! So, what are they not telling you? That God has a better plan for you. God is the Creator of Sex and made it only for marriage. He designed sex with boundaries...for marriage.

  1. Sex is no BIG DEAL.
  2. Sex is purely PHYSICAL. (Sex Ed says that it messes with your mind, heart and it IS PHYSICAL.) ...The strongest sexual organ is your mind! We need to learn to control what we are thinking!
  3. God's DOWN on sex. (God created it...He gave us a whole book of love...Songs of Solomon/Song of Songs.)
  4. Everyone is DOING IT.
  5. It is impossible to be PURE.
After TV has made sex interesting to you and you have had sex...Here are the things you should know that TV doesn't show you:
  1. Your sexual decisions will leave LIFE LONG MEMORIES.
  2. Your sexual decisions can have LIFE LONG CONSEQUENCES.
  3. The best sex lives are found in MARRIAGES WHO WAITED.
Shane has a Challenge for you...Go to God's Word...
  1. Investigate God's Plan. (John 10:10)
  2. Search for God's Wisdom. (Ephesians 3:14)
  3. Experience God's Forgiveness. (1John 1:9)
  4. Enjoy God's Hope. (Mark 10:6-9)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Do Something (Part 4 of 4)

January 27, 2010

Wednesday night Pastor Shane taught on "Doing Something for Your Creation" from Genesis 1:1, 27-31.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and the animals that scurry along the ground." Then God said, "Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground--everything that has life." And that is what happened. Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day.

3 Keys for Doing Something For Creation:
  1. God and His Creation (God created everything)
  2. God and His Humanity (God created us in His own image)
  3. People and God's Creation (God put us in charge to rule over the animals)
Greed vs. Generousity:

In 1Kings 21:1-19...King Ahab wanted to buy the vineyard next to his castle, but the owner could not sell it to had to remain in the family. The king went back home and told his wife, Jezebel. Jezebel arranged for the owner of the vineyard to be accused and convicted of blasphemy and was stoned to death. At which time, she returned to her husband the king and told him that the land is now available because the owner is dead...go and claim it!

2 Challenges for you:
  1. Do something that isn't easy. (Get out of your comfort zone to do something for someone else).
  2. Do something that has a ripple effect. (Doing something good that affects someone else long term.)
What can you do to help others?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do Something (Part 3 of 4)

Wednesday Night, January 20, 2010

Pastor Shane preached on "Do Something" to comfort the afflicted. Jesus will afflict the comfortable to help those that need help. Jesus wants to clean us from the inside out. This is what Shane taught the youth about Luke 11:37-47:

When Jesus was speaking, one of the Pharisees invited him home for a meal. So he went in and took his place at the table. The host was amazed that Jesus sat down at the table before washing his hands, which was a Jewish ceremonial custom. Jesus told the Pharisees that they are so careful to clean the outside of a cup and a dish, but leaving the inside...filthy. (Keeping unrighteousness in their hearts). By doing something for the poor it was an act of love revealing what was on the inside...internal righteousness.

Our Mission Statement for SRBC holds us accountable for what we need to be doing as a church body:
  1. Exalt the Savior!
  2. Equip the Saints!
  3. Evangelize the Lost!
  4. Go and Extend God's Love to All!
Jesus wants to cleanse us from the inside out. So, what can we do?

Life Action Steps:
  1. Identify the afflicted.
  2. Make their affliction or pain our own.
  3. Afflict your own comfort. (Rework the way the Lord works from the rest of the world. The world keeps a person who is down...down. Help someone to do their best, fairly).
God changes us from the inside first. God has to change your heart first for others around you in order for us to do something.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do Something (Part 2 of 4)

This week Pastor Shane is teaching on how we need to "Do Something" for others and not become numb to their needs. How numb have we grown? How can you become numb to the important things in life? How can you overcome your numbness? How numb are you to God?

In Luke 16:19-31, it talks about a rich man who lives in luxury every day and a poor man named Lazarus covered in sores begging for food laying outside his house. One day, both men die. One goes to heaven and the other goes to hell. In hell, the rich man looks up and sees Abraham far away in heaven with Lazarus by his side. The rich man calls out to Father Abraham to have pity on him and asked if he will send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool his tongue, because he was in agony in the fire.

Abraham reminds him that when he was alive he had the best of things, while Lazarus had bad things. Now the poor man was being comforted in heaven and the rich man is in agony in hell. Now that they have died, there is no way to cross over from heaven to hell or vice versa. (No way to help someone from heaven/hell that went to hell/heaven). The rich man then pleaded with Abraham to let Lazarus go to his family to warn them of hell. Abraham told him that Moses and the Prophets were on earth to warn them and they need to listen. The rich man again pleaded with Abraham that if someone from the dead would warn them, then they would turn away from their sins. Abraham told him that if they would not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.

3 Things that Separate the Rich Guy from the Poor Guy (Lazarus):
  1. Distance (social status)
  2. Clothing (rich man...purple/fine linen - poor man...beggar covered in sores)
  3. Food (rich man...had a banquet all the time - poor man...begged for food)
In Isaiah 61:1...talks about proclaiming good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and being released from darkness for the prisoners. (The one that has grown numb is the brokenhearted). What can we do?

Anti-Numbness Therapy:
  1. Do something with your Money.
  2. Do something without Expectations.
  3. Do something with your Possessions.
  4. Do something without Something. (Giving up something)
Stop being numb to the needs around you!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Do Something

On Wednesday, Pastor Shane started a new 4-week series on "Do Something".  We need to wake up and become the people that God has designed us to be. So what do we do that will make a difference?

First We Have to Notice the Needs Around Us

Key Scripture is Matthew 25:34-46

Do we as Christians notice the needs around us? How do we look at the world around us? Here are a few
views that we can take in looking at the world around us.

1. The world is mostly good and needs little help

2. The world is mostly a mess and is in need of serious help

3. I haven't thought much about the world around me, but I am a mess

4. I haven't thought much about the world around me and I'm not a mess

5. I'm not okay with injustice, poverty, disease, racism, etc.

6. I'm okay with injustice, poverty, disease, racism, etc.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Mission Serve 2010 will cost $300 per person this year, food included. So, pray about signing up.
  2. Fundraisers for Mission Serve will be January 16th & February 20th @ Winn Dixie on Veteran's Pkwy from 1-5pm ET. If you need money to go to Mission Serve then come help bag groceries on these two dates.
  3. If you owe a balance on Snowbird, there will be a Youth Luncheon Fundraiser on January 17th in the Fellowship Hall following Morning Worship Service. Please come and help serve lunch to the church.