Mr. Kevin steps in to teach us the 1st of 5 lessons on the S.H.A.P.E. series called, "Spiritual Gifts". Mr. Kevin starts the night off with a fun game called, "Would You Rather..." that teaches us to make quick choices. Then he shows us:
God has made all of you unique, so we can perform our duties for His glory. We are all built different and we can all be used by God.
Left-Brain People - handle logical thinking. They tend to memorize things, good at spelling and making decisions. Subjects they like: Research, on the Debate Team, in Accounting, etc. They are the Corporate people, Presidents, Doctors, Lawyers, etc.
Right-Brain People - they are the creative thinkers, they are more about feelings, etc. Subjects they like: Math, Language, Drama, Chemistry, Dance, Art, Design, etc. They are the Teachers, Coaches, Designers, Nurses, Actors, Decorators, etc.
Intraverted People - they find energy in their inner thoughts, they keep things to themself. They can multi-task. They are your Computer Programmers, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.
Extraverted People - they are the ones that need action, they don't like deadlines or being under pressure. They are your Bankers and Managers.
When you make your own choices, these things will help you.
We all have talents that need developed. Your talents, skills or abilities are not Spiritual Gifts. Do you believe Believers and Unbelievers have Spiritual Gifts? To develop these gifts you need to be Christian. God loved you enough to pass these gifts on specifically designed for your make-up, your brain & your personality. What are your Spiritual Gifts used for? Spiritual Gifts you have are for helping each other.
Spiritual Gifts: (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
- Gift of Mercy - to help someone.
- Gift of Giving - be generous to someone.
- Gift of Exortation - encouraging others.
- Gift of Administration - delegate what needs to be done.
- Gift of Teaching
- Gift of Prophesy
- Gift of Ministry
- Gift of Faith
Scripture Reference: Romans 12:6-8
In closing, you must use your Spiritual Gifts for the benefit of other people. You must use them out of love for others. In Corinthians, Paul writes he could have many Spiritual Gifts, but without the greatest gift of Love, it does nothing for him.
Between Faith, Hope and Love...the greatest of these is Love!!!
- 7pm October 23rd - Judgement House in Tallassee, AL...depart from SRBC @ 5:30pm...Sign-up by October 10th if you want to go...Cost is $2.00 for ticket plus $5.00 for food
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