Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

Wednesday Night - September 29, 2010

Mr. Kevin steps in to teach us the 1st of 5 lessons on the S.H.A.P.E. series called, "Spiritual Gifts". Mr. Kevin starts the night off with a fun game called, "Would You Rather..." that teaches us to make quick choices. Then he shows us:

God has made all of you unique, so we can perform our duties for His glory. We are all built different and we can all be used by God.

Left-Brain People - handle logical thinking. They tend to memorize things, good at spelling and making decisions. Subjects they like: Research, on the Debate Team, in Accounting, etc. They are the Corporate people, Presidents, Doctors, Lawyers, etc.

Right-Brain People - they are the creative thinkers, they are more about feelings, etc. Subjects they like: Math, Language, Drama, Chemistry, Dance, Art, Design, etc. They are the Teachers, Coaches, Designers, Nurses, Actors, Decorators, etc.

Intraverted People - they find energy in their inner thoughts, they keep things to themself. They can multi-task. They are your Computer Programmers, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.

Extraverted People - they are the ones that need action, they don't like deadlines or being under pressure. They are your Bankers and Managers.

When you make your own choices, these things will help you.

We all have talents that need developed. Your talents, skills or abilities are not Spiritual Gifts. Do you believe Believers and Unbelievers have Spiritual Gifts? To develop these gifts you need to be Christian. God loved you enough to pass these gifts on specifically designed for your make-up, your brain & your personality. What are your Spiritual Gifts used for? Spiritual Gifts you have are for helping each other.

Spiritual Gifts: (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
  • Gift of Mercy - to help someone.
  • Gift of Giving - be generous to someone.
  • Gift of Exortation  encouraging others.
  • Gift of Administration - delegate what needs to be done.
  • Gift of Teaching
  • Gift of Prophesy
  • Gift of Ministry
  • Gift of Faith
Important Note: Mercy keeps you out of Hell. Grace is what brings you into Heaven!

Scripture Reference: Romans 12:6-8

In closing, you must use your Spiritual Gifts for the benefit of other people. You must use them out of love for others. In Corinthians, Paul writes he could have many Spiritual Gifts, but without the greatest gift of Love, it does nothing for him.

Between Faith, Hope and Love...the greatest of these is Love!!!

  • 7pm October 23rd - Judgement House in Tallassee, AL...depart from SRBC @ 5:30pm...Sign-up by October 10th if you want to go...Cost is $2.00 for ticket plus $5.00 for food

S.H.A.P.E. Series Intro

Wednesday Night - September 22, 2010

Mr. James steps in to introduce us to a new series called "S.H.A.P.E. Series". He shows us:

5 Factors That Makes Up Your S.H.A.P.E.:
  1. S - Spiritual Gifts
  2. H - Heart
  3. A - Abilities
  4. P - Personalities
  5. E - Experiences
Why is it important to know what your S.H.A.P.E. is?...5 Benefits:
  1. Reduces Stress
  2. Increases Success
  3. Determines How You Learn (only 25% learn by reading & studying)
  4. Deepens Satisfaction
  5. Builds Self-esteem
2 Biblical Truths:
  1. You matter to God.
  2. You were shaped by God for a purpose.
When you live your life the way God wants you to, you will discover your purpose.

Habits: Studying Scripture

Wednesday Night - September 8, 2010

Mr. James was teaching on the last lesson in a series called "Habits". It was on studying God's Word/Scripture.

What Can Studying God's Word Do For You? (2 Timothy 3:16)
  1. Applying God's truth guides us through life.
  2. Knowing the Bible brings a deep joy. (Psalm 19:8)
  3. Living by the Bible makes you wise and successful. (Joshua 1:8)
  4. Feeding on the Bible nourishes our soul. (Matthew 4:4, 1 Peter 2:2)
How to Study the Bible:
  • Choose a Christian Bible you can understand. (Ex. King James, NKJ, NIV, NLT, etc.)
10 Ways to Study the Word of God:
  1. Dedicate Time to the Word of God.
  2. Pray to Understand the Word of God.
  3. Put Forth Real Effort.
  4. Have a Purpose or Topic to Study.
  5. Use a Spiritual Journal.
  6. Invite the Spirit with Good Christian Music.
  7. Humble Yourself Before the Lord.
  8. Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept...Learn One Step at a Time, One Line at a Time.
  9. Personally Apply the Word of God.
  10. Be Diligent and Don't Give Up!
Who we are is made up of the commitments that we make over our life and the habits that we develop. That who you and I turn out to be is made up of the commitments we make and the habits we develop.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Habits: Treasure (Tithing), Time and Talent

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bro. Kevin steps in to teach the youth lessons on Treasure (Tithing), Time and Talents that they have to give back to God. Where does everything we own come from? Everything we have is a gift from God. (Deuteronomy 8:10)

The 3 T's in God's Blessings when we give them back to God:
  1. Treasure (Tithing) - God loves a cheerful giver. If the youth form a habit early in giving their tithes, they will have more control of their finances as adults. You will never miss what you don't have! You will not have a hold on something if you never had it. Tithing is giving 10% of your earnings or what was given to you to your local church for the glory of God. When you give cheerfully, you will receive blessings from God. Give God the best of what you have. If you start tithing now, it will come back to you. It all starts with something. It all starts with a mindset. It starts with cheerfully giving! (Proverbs 3:9) Everything you have is God's. He has entrusted everything in your power to control it. In Genesis 14...Abram gave a tenth of everything he had. In 2 Chronicles Hezekiah did what was good and right before the Lord in obedience and commands and he prospered! What is stopping you from tithing? Is it greed? Can you let go of the greed? You might ask what does the church do with the tithes? It goes to pay for buildings, power, food, missions, etc. It's all God's but it's being used for God's glory! The tithe is not yours to give to God, it is God's gift to you to give back to Him. God wants you to be happy. He wants to bless you! Don't forget to praise Him even for the little things.
  2. Time - take 10% of your time everyday and give it to God. So, do the math...10% of 24 hours = 2 hours and 24 minutes we should be dedicating to God everyday! (This is a minimum amount of time)...what can we do? We can read our Bible, pray, witness to others, etc.
  3. Talents - we all have spiritual gifts...we all have the ability to strengthen the church. Each of you have talents. When you come to church more you become more knowledgable learning about God and also become a stronger witness for Him.
Are you giving God your absolute best? Can you give God the glory?

If you need Jesus in your heart, read Romans 10: 9-10...Plan of Salvation
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."

To God be All the Glory!!!

Habits: Involvement in the Church (Week 4 of 6)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last week, Bro. James taught us how to be involved in church. When we go to church we are there to help build up and not tear people down. God has gifted you in so many ways you might not know about. When God chose David, he was looking for someone obedient and that would do God's work. Our challenge is to step out in faith.

Why should we be involved in church?
  1. Community - is people living in an area. Through fellowship we overcome a lot of doubt. God blesses us with different attributes, knowledge, abilities and strengths. As a church, we should come together share the knowledge and grow stronger. We can pray together and confess our sins to one another. Where there is a community there is difficulties. (Hebrews 10:25) We need to be there for the lost and minister to them and also help them get through hard times.
  2. Strength -when we come together we help each other. God does not waste a hurt. He will use your hurt to minister to someone else. (Proverbs 13:17)
  3. Ministry - Every member is a minister and every minister has a ministry.
  4. Guidance - to show you the right way of doing things. (Hebrews 3:13)
Why don't people go to church?
  1. They were forced to go to church when they were a child.
  2. They didn't like it.
  3. They go only three times a year...Easter, Mother's Day and Christmas.
  4. They say the church just wants their money.
Being involved in church helps others with their walk with God. But, yet some people label church people hypocrits, why? Their walk with God is what you are looking at...we all make mistakes.

Challenge to Doing More Than the Minimum:
  1. I will do more than belong - I will participate
  2. I will do more than care - I will help
  3. I will do more than believe - I will practice
  4. I will do more than be fair - I will be kind
  5. I will do more than dream - I will work
  6. I will do more than teach - I will inspire
  7. I will do more than earn - I will enrich
  8. I will do more than give - I will serve
  9. I will do more than live - I will.......(fill in the blank) you will find the answer at the end of your life, you will know whether or not you lived.
We are trying to teach you to be spiritually self-sufficient...Absorb the Word of God and apply it to your life!