Wednesday, Pastor Shane took us through the last teaching in a 6 week series on H.A.B.I.T.S.
- H - Hang Time with God (spending time with God)
- A - Accountability (being held accountable/responsible for your actions/sins)
- B - Bible Memorization (planting God's Word in your life)
- I - Involving Yourself in the Church (doing something for others)
- T - Tithing (giving God 10% of the best that you have)
- S - Studying the Word of God ( getting in and meditating on the meaning of God's Word)
What Studying God's Word Can Do:
- Applying God's Truth guides us through life. 2 Timothy 3:16
- Knowing the Bible brings a deep joy. Psalm 19:8 The Bible is God's Love Letter to you. We should be excited about his love letter to you. God loves you more than anyone.
- Living by the Bible makes you wise and successful. Joshua 1:8
- Feeding on the Bible nourishes our soul.
~All Scripture is God breathed!
~When we apply God's Word, he guides us. Psalm 19
~When living by the Word, the book of James gives us a caution in James 1:25-26.
~Make a decision to read, listen and obey God's Word-- These habits will change your life!
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