Wednesday, Pastor Shane took us through the 5th teaching in a 6 week series on H.A.B.I.T.S.
- H. - Hang Time with God (spending time with God)
A. - Accountability (being held accountable)
B. - Bible Memorization (planting God's Word in your life)
I. - Involving Yourself in the Church (doing something for others)
T. - Tithing (giving God 10% of your best that you have)
If our attitude is right, we will give in our right mind. Be a cheerful giver and not give grudgingly.
~Studying Exodus 35:20-24...So the whole community of Israel left Moses and returned to their tents. All whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were moved came and brought their sacred offerings to the Lord. They brought all the materials needed for the Tabernacle, for the performance of its rituals, and for the sacred garments. Both men and women came, all whose hearts were willing. They brought to the Lord their offerings of gold--brooches, earrings, rings from their fingers, and necklaces. They presented gold objects of every kind as a special offering to the Lord. All those who owned the following items willingly brought them: blue, purple, and scarlet thread; fine linen and goat hair for cloth; and tanned ram skins and fine goatskin leather. And all who had silver and bronze objects gave them as a sacred offering to the Lord. And those who had acacia wood brought it for use in the project.
Exodus 36:4-6...Finally the craftsman who were working on the sanctuary left their work. They went to Moses and reported, "The people have given more than enough materials to complete the job the Lord has commanded us to do!" So Moses gave the command, and this message was sent throughout the camp: "Men and women, don't prepare any more gifts for the sanctuary. We have enough!" So the people stopped bringing their sacred offerings.
Question...What would happen if we gave God above and beyond our 10%? What if we gave and kept giving until we had enough to do the jobs that needed to be done? Think of the possibilities!
Lessons About Our Resources:
- Everything we have is a gift from God. (we forget EVERYTHING comes from God) Deuteronomy 8:10
- We are to give God back the best we have. Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 3:8-12 (give God your 1st and best)!
- We should give generously to God. 2 Corinthians 9:6
Notes: To give beyond the tithe is called an offering. Your tithes should be given to your local church.
3 T's:
- Time (giving God 10% of 24 hrs. is 2 hrs. 15 mins).
- Talent (giving God the best of what you do best)
- Treasure (giving God the best of what you have)
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