Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Call to Holy Living

Wednesday Night Service - January 12, 2011

One of our Youth Leaders, Art Lancaster steps in to teach on how we are all called to live a holy life. We need to set ourselves apart from the world's ways of doing things and follow Christ as He leads us.

Art starts by giving his testimony then teaches us from God's Word from 1 Peter 1:14...So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn't know any better then.

3 Things We Get from Holiness:
  1. Self-control control one's emotions (1 Peter 1:13)
  2. Holiness ...set apart from the world. Christ was set apart because He was born from a virgin and without sin.
  3. Salvation ...saving a person from sin or danger. Setting ourselves apart from the world to God.
  • 1 Peter 2:21-22
  • Psalms 16:4
  • 1 Peter 2:1-3
  • 1 Peter 4:2
  • 1 Peter 1:13
  • 1 Peter 1:17
  • To satisfy your own desires...isn't that selfish? If you choose to follow your own desires, you will stray from God.
  • What is an example of other gods? Money or worshipping any other thing other than God.
  • Be holy in everything you do, be holy like Jesus is holy.
  • How do you set yourself apart? Read your Bible and do what it says to do!
  • Choose to want more of God!
  • What are foreigners in the land? Aliens...when we choose to set ourselves apart from this world, we become aliens to this world. (Don't confuse this type of alien as one from another planet, but like aliens from other countries) Our true home is a much better place...heaven.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Wednesday Night Service - January 5, 2011

Mr. Kevin was teaching on Proverbs 3:1-35 and how this chapter can help our youth today get on the right path for God for the New Year.

Top 5 Resolutions of a New Year:

5. Take up a new hobby.
4. To make more money.
3. To improve on our relationships.
2. Stop smoking.
1. Lose weight.

Resolutions are broken down into 3 Catagories:
  1. To make us look better and live longer. (Longevity)
  2. To have more stuff. (Prosperity)
  3. To get along with everybody. (Peace)
The verses of Proverbs 3 are important for us to follow and learn from...
They teach us to trust in the Lord...
  • vs. 3&4...Love and Faithfulness (am I faithful/loyal to my family, friends and religion?)
  • vs. 5&6...Common Sense (Psalm 18:30 - The Word is flawless and perfect)
  • vs. 7&8...Acknowledge God as your Authority.
  • vs. 9&10...Honor the Lord with your time, talents, treasures.
  • vs. 11&12...Discipline is to teach you / punishment is for consequences of past behavior.
  • vs. 13-20...Characteristics of Wisdom: knowledge, learning, data, information, intellect, intelligence, facts and experience
  • vs. 21-24...Characteristics of Wisdom: perception, discernment, judgement, reasoning, insight, prudence, discretion and common sense
  • vs. 25&26...Don't worry about the things you cannot control.
  • vs. 27&28...Help those whom you cannot help.
  • vs. 29&30...Don't judge others.
  • vs. 31&32...Don't envy a violent man because the Lord detest it.
  1. Focus on what you accomplished last year instead of your failures.
  2. Give up your grudges. (Colossians 3:13)
  3. Restore relationships. (Romans 12:18)
  4. Turn your back on your transgressions. (Romans 6:2)
  5. Do not let sin control you.