Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Wednesday Night - October 20, 2010

Mr. James steps in to teach us how our responsibilities relate to the heart from 1 Samuel 16:7. Each one of you has a personality. We relate to others in the world depending on our personality. What does God look at? He looks at our heart...we look at others and judge them by their outward appearances.

4 Scales in Describing Personalities:
  1. How we relate to others:
  • Introverted: people who enjoy being with others but need a break from them.
  • Extraverted: people that can be isolated from people but needs to be with others to recharge.
2. How we construct our lives:
  • Controlled: people who want to meet deadlines and like check-lists or to make plans.
  • Spontaneous: people who go with the flow to see what happens next.
3. How we take in information:
  • Intuitive: people who understands complex stuff. (Engineer - want to see how they can make something better)
  • Sensing: people who want to know the facts and are interested in what is instead of what might be.
4. How we make decisions:
  • Thinking: people who make decisions based on thinking through and focused mainly on facts.
  • Feeling: people who make decisions based on feelings and focused more on the affects of people than facts.
How Ministry can be Affected by our Personalities:
  1. Some people are impulsive like Peter. (John 13:8-9)
  2. Some people doubt things and are negative like Thomas. (John 11:16)
  3. Some people allow others to speak for them like James and John. (Matthew 20:20-21)
  4. Some people want to help people and others focus on the ministry. (Acts 15:37-38)
  5. Some people worry about doing everything the right way. (Luke 10:39-42)
Key Building Principles for People with Different Personalities:
  1. Learn to accept one another. (Romans 14:1-3)
  2. Learn to listen to one another. (James 1:19-20)
  3. Learn to have faith in one another. (Romans 1:12)
  4. Learn to consider others interest. (Philippians 2:1-4)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mr. Kevin steps in to teach us from the SHAPE series, "Abilities". Abilities determine how God wants you to serve Him. Gifts are actual qualities that God has given you. Without these abilities you couldn't carry out your gifts.

Have you ever asked, "What are you here for?"
Mr. Kevin has come up with a Top 10 List for Why You Came to Church...
  1. Your friends are here & you want to make new friends.
  2. You have fun playing on the playground with your friends.
  3. You were invited by a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  4. You like the music.
  5. You like to look at people.
  6. You wanted to get out of the house.
  7. There was nothing on TV.
  8. Don't want to do homework/Science Project.
  9. You love the Van Drivers!
  10. You came to church to hear the Word of God...to listen and spend time with God.
Enjoy your youth...it's the best time of your life! Mr. Kevin reflects back into his life to see what life was preparing for him. (He learned responsibility, leadership, his strengths, abilities & talents were all for the glory of God).

Biggest Obstacles of Growing Your Abilities:
Self-Confidence- having faith in your self and free from doubt. This type of faith inspires others.

How to Develop Your Self-Confidence:
  1. Speak Up so people can hear what you got to say.
  2. Praise & Encourage yourself daily.
  3. Think positive thoughts.
  4. Help others. (You can stop thinking about you and start thinking about others)
Go out and seek out people who smile, encourages others and that are positive! These are the qualities we should have as Christians!

What are you here for? Just for fun? The best ability you can have is...Availability! Be there for others!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Heart and Passion

Wednesday Night Service - October 6, 2010

Mr. James steps in to teach us the 2nd part of the series on "S.H.A.P.E."
Where is your heart and passion? What are you good at? Have you ever thought about using those things to serve others in ministry? God has given us unique and emotional desires / motivations to make a difference in this world. What is God's purpose for you? Where truly is your passion?

In Psalm 20:4...May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed. God has a plan for you. You need to seek Him and His purpose.

You should be asking yourself these questions:
  1. What makes your heart sing?
  2. What breaks your heart?
  3. What are your dreams for your life?
  4. If money were no object, what would you do?
  5. When __________ comes up in a conversation, I could talk all night! (what is your interest?)
  6. How does your heart affect ministry for others?
In the Bible, many people have showed their passion and did something with it:
  • Colossians - some had passions to help other Christians.
  • Philippians - Paul had a passion to serve others.
  • Romans - Paul had a passion for the Romans Road/ABC's of the Gospel...for salvation.
  • 1 Corinthians - some had a passion for serving Saints.
  • Jesus had a passion for all mankind...he died for you, all out of love!
A few of you help others to grow as Christians. Have you ever thought, what ministry gets you excited? Is it helping the elderly, being in the Puppet Team, Choir, etc? Psalm 37:4...delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. God knows what you need...and He will fulfill those needs.

To delight in something means you experienced something that brought you joy. Revelation 17:17...God put a plan in our hearts to accomplish His purpose. What really motivates you to do something to help further the Lord's Kingdom? Discovering what you are passionate about will help you decide what ministry to help in. Pray and ask God to show you where you can serve best in a ministry!