Friday, August 20, 2010

Habits: Bible Memorization (Week 3 of 6)

Wednesday Night - August 18, 2010

In our 3rd week on the Habits series, Bro. Kevin steps in to teach us about Bible Memorization and why it is important to our Christian lives. He gives us verses like John 3:16, and wants us to read on to verses 17 and 18. Do we know what it means to believe? It involves more than agreeing God's Word is true.

Why do we memorize things? Because it is important to remember things like 911, your phone number and address in case of an memorize how to get to certain places so you can get there, etc. Bible verses are also important when you struggle with life's gives you hope and peace that God is in control.

Reasons we need to study the Bible:
  1. To know more about God.
  2. It keeps us from sin.
  3. To know the difference between right and wrong.
  4. So we can witness to others.
Reasons we don't want to study the Bible:
  1. It's boring.
  2. We are too busy.
  3. We are too tired.
Bible Memorization is important because it helps us:
  1. In Psalm 119:11...God has hidden the Word in your heart so you might not sin against Him. (Jesus provided the perfect way to live)
  2. In Matthew 4...this was Jesus' encounter with Satan. Jesus quotes from memory the Word of God to counter Satan.
Bro. Kevin has included some Scriptures to help us with our struggles in life:
  • Suffer - 1 Peter 2:20
  • Afraid - Palm 56:3
  • Greed - Luke 12:15
  • Forgiveness - Collossians 3:13-14
  • Encouragement - Hebrews 3:13
  • Devoted (Honor) - Romans 12:10
  • Fight - 2 Timothy 4:7
  • Conduct - Ezekial 7:3-4
  • Finish - 2 Corinthians 8:11
  • Attention - Proverbs 4:1
  • Kind - 1 Thessalonians 5:15
  • Victory - Psalm 60:12
  • Conceited - Galatians 5:25-26
  • Gossip - Proverbs 11:13
  • Inspiration - Phillippians 3:13-14
  • Complaining - Phillippians 2:14
  • Hate - Luke 6:27-31
  • Anger - Proverbs 29:11 
  • Strength - 2 Samuel 22:33

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Habits: Accountability (Week 2 of 6)

Wednesday Night Service - August 11, 2010

In our second week of a 6-wk. series on "Habits", Bro. James was teaching us this week on "Accountability" we should have with one another. Scripture comes from Matthew 12:33-37. He talked about when do we start living our life right? Do we start when someone gets seriously hurt or dies? The time to start is right now! You can start right now developing habits that will change you for the rest of your life so someday people will look back at your life and say, "I can see no wrong in that person."

This week we continue our series on devoping good HABITS for spiritual growth. We talked this week about Accountable Friendships. Accountability is when we hold somebody responsible for their actions. We all need friends who know our weaknesses and love us for who we are and hold us accountable to our commitments. These are the type of friends who will come up to us one on one when they see us making choices that might hurt us spiritually.

In Psalm 133:1-3, David talks about how wonderful it was when people lived in unity/harmony. This psalm teaches us 3 things about harmony:
  1. It provides satisfaction.
  2. It provides refreshment.
  3. It takes work to get along with others.
There are rewards when you live in harmony. (John 13:35)...Your love for one another will prove to the world you are Jesus' disciples.

3 Relationships for Accountability:
  1. Find a Mentor (Proverbs 13:20)...Mentor should be a teacher and have a spiritual commitment
  2. Find an Accountability Partner (Proverbs 27:17)...that person should love you but not be impressed with you
  3. Be a Mentor (Philippians 2:22) can help lead someone else
CHALLENGE: Are there any areas in your life that you would want me to hold you accountable? Ask someone if they would want you to hold them accountable. Are there any areas in your life that you see where you could be growing or improving? Something for you to think about!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Developing Habits That Will Change Your Life

Wednesday Night Service - August 4, 2010

As Pastor Shane delivers his last Sermon to the Youth Ministry at SRBC, he talks about developing spiritual habits that will change your life. From Philippians 2:12-14, he shows us:

It takes 21 days to develope a habit. We have Good and Bad Habits. Good habits we have may be reading the Bible, Evangelism, brushing our teeth, etc. Bad habits may include doing drugs, smoking and profanity. But what about Spiritual Habits we develope as Christians? As we grow as Christians, our spiritual habits need to grow, too. (An example of a spiritual habit-- Hanging out with God in your own time. Getting to know Him, talking to Him and learning from Him through His Word).

  • Your relationship with God is meant TO GROW.
  • Spiritual growth is a life-long JOURNEY.
  • Developing spiritual habits will help you grow ON YOUR OWN.
  • He changes your HEART. (Psalms 51:9-10)
  • He gives you DIRECTION for living. (Psalms 119:104-105)
  • He's there during your PROBLEMS. (2 Corinthians 1:4)

Developing spiritual habits will change your life NOW and for an ETERNITY!